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On this page you will find announcements of the nearest online and offline events and be the first to register your participation in them.

Part of the money from each ticket purchased is sent to support  


Our events

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Coming Soon

La Jolla Cove


Тебя интересует йога, психология, дыхательные практики, психосоматика, квантовый мир или гвоздестояние? Это мероприятие - идеальная возможность познакомиться с новыми людьми со схожими интересами !

PRO feelings Dance
Практика динамической медитации

Дата и время уточняется

San Diego


Это свободный танец единения с собой, безмолвно, на языке тела и чувств. Это практика медитации в танце, где с закрытыми глазами и в наушниках каждый окунется на собственную глубину под чуткое руководство проводника и живой вокал.

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"PRO feelings"

Sound healing bath + sadhu nails

Coming soon

This event can change a lot in your life. You just need to make a decision. Realize the fact that your life can become even better, shine with new colors. And we will help you find answers and light the way with the help of various practices (sound healing, nailing, MAK....) stress, fears and blocks.

Date and time to be confirmed
Online meeting in Zoom

A unique therapeutic online meeting in the style of a pajama party. No formality, only heart-to-heart talks and very, very many useful ones secrets from Merry Am.

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Date and time to be confirmed

San Diego


It's never too late to know yourself even better, to discover new things in yourself quality and with this knowledge and feelings to meet dreams!

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