PRO Sadhu
Nailing on the Sadhu board is a powerful practical solution for working with the body and psyche. With this magical tool, you will find answers to questions that have been worrying you for a long time. Improve your health and say goodbye to your blocks, fears and old strategies that hold you back on your way to achieving what you want.
The benefits of nailing
Your Masters
"Mariia and Dmytro are a loving married couple who have found a common purpose and are ready to share their positive experience with those who want to reach a new level of understanding of themselves and their relationships."
From the client
We are practicing nailing together. Therefore, you are supported and guided by male and female energies.
Our session is also unique in that it is accompanied by live vocals, singing bowls, gongs and other sound therapy instruments. This additionally helps to enter a state of complete relaxation and look into even deeper corners of the subconscious and adjust the work of the chakras.
Mariia and Dmytro -
your guides to new frontiers.